On Friday 3 July 2020, Orange Fab France kicked off season 1 of its 5G programme, and unveiled the 6 start-up/business unit pairs that will work together on innovation projects linked to 5G infrastructures and uses.
This start-up acceleration program, dedicated to 5G, combines innovative services and infrastructure innovations. The six start-ups were selected following a 5G challenge organized in parallel by the Orange Fabs in Asia and Europe.
The primary objective for each start-up is to enter into a commercial partnership with an Orange business unit. In order to achieve this contract, a support system is set up for several months: mentoring with external specialists and Group experts, special meetings with financial investors, and access to a range of specific services.
For François Jezequel, head of the 5G acceleration programme at Orange Fab France: « To make 5G a success, we must not only offer our customers services that differentiate us from the competition, but also be innovative in our infrastructures. Indeed, the investments are such that any solution enabling us to optimize our networks, reduce our energy consumption or our costs is welcome! »
Discover the 6 start-ups participating in the 5G Acceleration Program
Kalyzée: automated audiovisual production solution thanks to a « smart » camera.
Skyboy: a new type of immersive experience where reality and virtuality overlap.
Radio Innovation: solutions to help implement mobile broadband.
Omniflow: intelligent IoT street lamp powered by wind and solar energy.
Spectronite: a unique software-defined wireless link system.
Smart Grid Control: energy-based command and control system.