Orange launches a call for candidatures on 5G

Call for candidatures on 5G

5G is a major competitive challenge for companies, it will be gradually introduced into Orange telecommunications networks starting in 2020 to provide innovative services and contribute to the modernization of the economy.

With 5G, Orange is creating a more powerful, faster and smarter network. With speeds much higher than 4G, this network is so responsive and offers all the possibilities for real time, and immersive services, combining virtual reality and augmented reality. 5G will also be a network capable of connecting number of objects with an appropriate level of performance for each type of object or process: connected industrial robots, drones, connected autonomous vehicles, sensors in smart cities. Moreover, in countries with little fibre deployment, 5G will offer an alternative means to acces high-speed broadband enabling for instance to wirelessly connect factories, mobile worksites or urban infrastructure.

Orange Fab France in coordination with Orange Fab in Europe is launching a « 5G » call for applications to accelerate start-ups in this domain. This specific acceleration path takes place in parallel with the existing ones: « Original« , « Women start » and « Telecom Track« .

The primary goal of the acceleration is to build commercial partnerships between start-ups and Orange business units. But your start-up will also benefit from additional services as the other acceleration programs operated by Orange Fab, namely: one to one support with specialists and consultants, access to a workspace based on the Orange Gardens innovation campus, in Châtillon in the Paris region, the provision of 5G connectivity and resources (devices…), the ability to expand your business internationally, via the Orange Fab network around the world.

This framework will allow you to establish close relationships with innovation teams, investment partners and other industrial players who can help you with in-depth expertise and potential financing to grow and consolidate your start-up.

The call for candidatures will be closed on March 10th 2020.


Every year Orange Fab Francelaunches several calls for applications. We choose start-ups for their innovative projects, their team qualities and which meet identified needs expressed by Orange Business Units. In this current call for start-up, we will recruit start-ups that have a solution – product, service or infrastructure brick – already on market with these following categories:

  • innovative B2C & B2B services having some adherence with 5G:
    • Cyber Security, services to reinforce customer confidence in digital services
    • Digital Content, high bandwidth on demand services on mobile phone or at home and AR/VR immersive services
    • Gaming, high bandwidth, low latency services which may need edge computing capacities
    • Bank & Assurance services allowing operations and transactions everywhere anytime with enriched experiences thanks to AR/VR
    • Health Care, remote diagnostic, real time image transfer, long distance monitoring, IoT to track health issues.
  • 5G Infrastructures & Networks:
    • Network Monitoring, control & management solutions
    • Network planning and resource allocation improvement
    • Hardware and software infrastructure solutions for performant, strong and green datacenter.
    • Solutions solving the management of connected objects in high number
    • Solutions helping the implementation of mobile broadband
    • Coverage enhancing solutions for indoor and rural use