Esprits Collaboratifs

The Curebot platform aims to host sensitive company data and resources

Curebot is a collective intelligence enabler that connects your employees to their essential information and allows them to share their knowledge and skills.

  • Get teams to build a large-scale collaborative experience to monitor, add perspective, feed, share and deliver insightful information for strategic decision making and business processes efficiency.
  • Simply launch a collaborative dynamic by creating a group. Members can then transfer and share control of their objects, qualify and comment in restricted visibility to the group, call upon each other. Everyone can train watch bots to detect information of interest.
  • At the individual and collective level, use hashtags to accurately describe the content of a resource, share your expertise.
    Simply create processes for processing useful information. Use them individually or collectively to meet your business needs.
  • Share on social media and create dahsboards & newsletter to give access and distribute useful resources to your collaborators.
  • Export your resources to your internal digital platforms and support the implementation of your digital workplace (corporate social network, intranet, knowledge base …)

Types of support

EspritsCollaboratifs took part in season eight of Orange Fab France.