
Hxperience designs and operates digital services for smart buildings. The start-up developed a SaaS platform called SMATI, which collects, processes and analyses data from buildings, their equipment and their use – in real time. The goal is to improve building energy performance, analyse and understand building use, and offer new services to building managers, operators and occupants.
The platform’s monitoring, warning and management tools can also detect anomalies and anticipate outages using predictive maintenance.

Types of support

Hxperience took part in season 4 of Orange Fab France, in 2016. The start-up then signed a business partnership with the Orange Smart Cities business unit. The Hxperience Smart Building solution is now integrated into Orange’s line of services and offered to property managers and large companies. Hxperience is a member of La French Tech, a brand that promotes French start-ups worldwide.

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